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   Welcome to IncredInComp.com
   Enjoy your stay...
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I'm just here to break things and explore the unknown.
Keep checking back, maybe I'll break something interesting.

My Write Up's

Recent stuff I am currently updating and referring to myself.

Paving a Pathway - A Practical Route from Open Redirect to SSRF

Trying to bridge the gap between Open Redirects and SSRF's
Paving a Pathway - A Practical Route from Open Redirect to SSRF

Fixing Grub Boot Issues on Dualboot

If your dual boot has been rendered unbootable, this will help you get everything in order. NVME0x Edition
Fixing Grub Boot Issues

Learning How to Ethically Hack Businesses and Websites for Profit

My experiences with some learning platforms and resources, that I as an educator and security professional, will stand behind unfalteringly.
Learning How to Ethically Hack Businesses and Websites for Profit

How to Write a Budget Proposal

Business is 2/3’s psychology and 1/3 charisma.
How to Write a Budget Proposal

Ad Space

This is an ad space for you to put your ad here.

You can also put your ad here if you want to.
If you are interested in ad space on this site, please contact me.

A Few of My Bookmarks

Hackers-Arise.com is an awesome resource of information in too many areas for me to list right now, but this link is an overview of the Metasploit Basics articles posted on there.
There are a bunch more articles on there for you to learn from, the SCADA stuff is especially helpful.

This is an awesome post written by Joe Barr on Linux.com about sniffing packets with Kismet
An introduction to the Kismet packet sniffer

Really good resource for checking old sites for old, but maybe useful, information.
(Fun #hacktip, annoyed of paywalls? Copy the url and let this joint do all the hard work for you 😉)

OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide